Brooke Noel Moore; Kenneth Bruder

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x xii Preface Acknowledgments Special thanks go to Zanja Yudell for writing a section on philosophical problems in quantum mechanics and to Rachel Steiner who provided art for this and some of the previous editions of the book Many friends and colleagues at California State University Chico have helped us on this and earlier editions Maryanne Bertram Judy Collins Hamer Marcel Daguerre Frank Ficarra Jay Gallagher Eric Gampel Tony Graybosch Ron Hirschbein Tom Imhoff Marie Knox Scott Mahood Clifford Minor Adrian Mirvish Anne Morrissey Jim Oates Richard Parker Dick Powell Michael Rich Dennis Rothermel Robert Stewart Greg Tropea Alan Walworth and Wai hung Wong Also for their wise and helpful comments on the manuscript for earlier editions we thank Ken King previously Mayeld McGraw Hill John Michael Atherton Duquesne University Stuart Barr Pima Community College Robert Beeson Edison State College Sherrill Begres Indiana University of Pennsylvania W Mark Cobb Pensacola Junior College Gloria del Vecchio Bucks County Community College Ronald G DesRosiers Madonna College Mark A Ehman Edison Community College Thomas Eshelman East Stroudsburg University Robert Ferrell University of Texas at El Paso James P Finn Jr Westmoreland County Community College Raul Garcia Southwest Texas State University Brenda S Hines Highland Community College Chris Jackway Kellogg Community College August Lageman Virginia Intermont College Bernal Koehrsen Jr Ellsworth Community College Henry H Liem San Jos City College Kenneth A Long Indiana UniversityPurdue University at Fort Wayne Adrienne LylesChockley University of San Diego Curtis H Peters Indiana University Southeast Adrienne Regnier Jefferson Community and Technical College Richard Rice La Sierra University Harry Settanni Holy Family College William C Sewell Michigan Technological University Douglas Thiel Moorpark College Oxnard College and Chris Weigand University of Central Oklahoma For the ninth edition we are indebted to Edward M Engelmann Merrimack College William Ferraiolo San Joaquin Delta College Daniel G Jenkins Montgomery College Gonzalo T Palacios Prince Georges Community College A J Kreider Miami Dade College James Craig Hanks Texas State University Clinton F Dunagan Northwest Vista College and Christa Lynn Adams Lakeland Community College For their sage advice on the tenth edition we are indebted to Theresa CatalanoReinhardt Macomb Community College Bryan Hilliard Mississippi University for Women Dr Edward J Grippe Norwalk Community College Robert E Birt Bowie State University William S Jamison University of Alaska Anchorage Robert Ferrell El Paso Community College Daniel G Jenkins Montgomery College Chris Jakway Kellogg Community College Joe Mixie Southern Connecticut State University Bernal F Koehrsen Jr Ellsworth Community College of the Iowa Valley Community College District Elizabeth Shaw Catholic University of America Robert Paul Churchill George Washington University Matthew Kent University of St Thomas and Michael Matthiesen Miami Dade College We also thank the following McGraw Hill staff and freelancers for their excellent work on the tenth edition Sarah Merrigan Paratore Arpana Kumari Craig Leonard Laura Wilk and Lisa Bruflodt Special thanks are due to Anita Silvers for putting us in touch with Dominic Mclver Lopes to Ellen Fox for material on feminist philosophy to Gregory Tropea for material on postcolonial thought to Mary Ellen Waithe for explaining the thought of important women in the history of philosophy and to Emerine Glowienka for helping us with Aquinass metaphysics x xii Preface Acknowledgments Special thanks go to Zanja Yudell for writing a section on philosophical problems in quantum mechanics and to Rachel Steiner who provided art for this and some of the previous editions of the book Many friends and colleagues at California State University Chico have helped us on ...


MLA Style
Moore, Brooke Noel dan Kenneth Bruder. PHILOSOPHY: THE POWER OF IDEAS. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2019. Online.
Chicago Style
Moore, Brooke Noel dan Kenneth Bruder. PHILOSOPHY: THE POWER OF IDEAS. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2019.
Turabian Style
Moore, Brooke Noel dan Kenneth Bruder. PHILOSOPHY: THE POWER OF IDEAS. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2019.
APA Style
Moore, Brooke Noel dan Kenneth Bruder. (2019). PHILOSOPHY: THE POWER OF IDEAS. London: McGraw-Hill Education.
Harvard Style
Moore, Brooke Noel dan Kenneth Bruder, 2019, PHILOSOPHY: THE POWER OF IDEAS, McGraw-Hill Education, London.
IEEE Style
Brooke Noel Moore dan Kenneth Bruder. PHILOSOPHY: THE POWER OF IDEAS. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2019.

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