Perfect Teachers of the 21st Century (Bilingual)

Perfect Teachers of the 21st Century (Bilingual)


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Deskripsi Buku

Daftar Isi Prakata iii Daftar Isi v 1 Tuntutan Output Pendidikan di Era Milenial Abad Ke21 1 2 Komponen Pendukung Pendidikan 8 3 Menjawab Tantangan Pendidikan Abad Ke21 40 4 Kesimpulan 50 English Version 52 1 21st Century Demand for Education OUTP 53 2 The Concept of Education in Indonesia 59 3 Answer the Challengers of 21St Century Education 88 4 Closing 97 Daftar Pustaka 99 Profil Penulis 101 Perfect Teachers of the 21st Century vDaftar Isi Prakata iii Daftar Isi v 1 ...


MLA Style
Ermaini. Perfect Teachers of the 21st Century (Bilingual). Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2021. Online.
Chicago Style
Ermaini. Perfect Teachers of the 21st Century (Bilingual). Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2021.
Turabian Style
Ermaini. Perfect Teachers of the 21st Century (Bilingual). Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2021.
APA Style
Ermaini. (2021). Perfect Teachers of the 21st Century (Bilingual). Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru.
Harvard Style
Ermaini, 2021, Perfect Teachers of the 21st Century (Bilingual), CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, Surabaya.
IEEE Style
Ermaini. Perfect Teachers of the 21st Century (Bilingual). Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2021.

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