Clearly introduce today s fundamental concepts and applications of operations and supply chain management using the reader friendly approach in Collier Evans OPERATIONS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 2E The authors integrate numerous solved problems to illustrate key formulas and computations as students learn to complete both manual and digital calculations using Excel spreadsheet templates and other Excel models for optimization and simulation New expanded and proven Review and Discussion Questions Experiential Activities Cases Computational Problems and Exercises and Excel Based Problems guide students in applying qualitative and quantitative reasoning with the latest operations management OM and supply chain management SCM concepts and tools In addition new content examines process analysis and resource utilization analytics in OM capacity measurement applications of linear optimization and other leading topics Students further their understanding with MindTap s new algorithmic exercises and interactive digital learning resources Clearly introduce today s fundamental concepts and applications of operations and supply chain management using the reader friendly approach in Collier Evans OPERATIONS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 2E The authors integrate numerous solved problems to illustrate key formulas and computations as students learn to complete both manual and digital calculations using ...Excel spreadsheet templates and other Excel models for optimization and simulation New expanded and proven Review and Discussion Questions Experiential Activities Cases Computational Problems and Exercises and Excel Based Problems guide students in applying qualitative and quantitative reasoning with the latest operations management OM and supply chain management SCM concepts and tools In addition new content examines process analysis and resource utilization analytics in OM capacity measurement applications of linear optimization and other leading topics Students further their understanding with MindTap s new algorithmic exercises and interactive digital learning resources