New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365® & Excel 2019 Comprehensive

New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365® & Excel 2019 Comprehensive

Patrick Carey

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Develop the Microsoft Office 365 and Office 2019 skills students need to be successful in college and beyond with the emphasis on critical thinking problem solving and in depth coverage found in NEW PERSPECTIVES MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 EXCEL 2019 COMPREHENSIVE Updated with all new case scenarios this edition clearly applies the skills students are learning to real world situations to make concepts even more relevant across the applications and reinforces critical skills to make them successful in their educational and professional careers NEW PERSPECTIVES MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 EXCEL 2019 COMPREHENSIVE demonstrates the importance of what students are learning while strengthening your skills and helping students transfer those skills to other applications and disciplines for further success In addition MindTap and updated SAM Skills Assessment Manager online resources are available to guide additional study and ensure successful results Develop the Microsoft Office 365 and Office 2019 skills students need to be successful in college and beyond with the emphasis on critical thinking problem solving and in depth coverage found in NEW PERSPECTIVES MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 EXCEL 2019 COMPREHENSIVE Updated with all new case scenarios this edition clearly applies the ...


MLA Style
Carey, Patrick. New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365® & Excel 2019 Comprehensive. United States of America: Cengage, 2020. Online.
Chicago Style
Carey, Patrick. New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365® & Excel 2019 Comprehensive. United States of America: Cengage, 2020.
Turabian Style
Carey, Patrick. New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365® & Excel 2019 Comprehensive. United States of America: Cengage, 2020.
APA Style
Carey, Patrick. (2020). New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365® & Excel 2019 Comprehensive. United States of America: Cengage.
Harvard Style
Carey, Patrick, 2020, New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365® & Excel 2019 Comprehensive, Cengage, United States of America.
IEEE Style
Patrick Carey. New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365® & Excel 2019 Comprehensive. United States of America: Cengage, 2020.

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