The fact that second language learners negotiate meaning when they interact native speakers or other non native speakers show that many can be explored from the interaction In one side when interacting with native speakers a learner can get comprehensible input the language addressed by native produced the so called comprehensible input hypothesis Meanwhile a second language learner gets an opportunity to modify his her output so that he can be understood by the interlocutor This produced the so called comprehensible output hypothesis Understanding this phenomenon is relatively important for second language learners so that they can provide activities that can stimulate students to learn On the other hand higher education students of second language study can benefit from understanding how negotiation of meaning can affect interaction in the second language that will help broaden their view on aspects that can be studied for their researchThe fact that second language learners negotiate meaning when they interact native speakers or other non native speakers show that many can be explored from the interaction In one side when interacting with native speakers a learner can get comprehensible input the language addressed by native produced the so called comprehensible ...input hypothesis Meanwhile a second language learner gets an opportunity to modify his her output so that he can be understood by the interlocutor This produced the so called comprehensible output hypothesis Understanding this phenomenon is relatively important for second language learners so that they can provide activities that can stimulate students to learn On the other hand higher education students of second language study can benefit from understanding how negotiation of meaning can affect interaction in the second language that will help broaden their view on aspects that can be studied for their research