National Geographic Learning Reader: Diversity of America (with eBook Printed Access Card)

National Geographic Learning Reader: Diversity of America (with eBook Printed Access Card)

National Geographic Learning

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NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING READER DIVERSITY OF AMERICA is part of a ground breaking new National Geographic Learning Reader series that brings learning to life by featuring compelling images media and text from National Geographic Access to a media enhanced eBook is included with each reader The twelve National Geographic articles gathered in this thematic reader offer students a glimpse in to the diversity and culture in the 21st century United States Pre and Post reading pedagogy accompanies each article to reinforce reading skills and reading comprehension NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING READER DIVERSITY OF AMERICA is part of a ground breaking new National Geographic Learning Reader series that brings learning to life by featuring compelling images media and text from National Geographic Access to a media enhanced eBook is included with each reader The twelve National Geographic articles gathered ...


MLA Style
Learning, National Geographic. National Geographic Learning Reader: Diversity of America (with eBook Printed Access Card). : Cengage, 2014. Online.
Chicago Style
Learning, National Geographic. National Geographic Learning Reader: Diversity of America (with eBook Printed Access Card). : Cengage, 2014.
Turabian Style
Learning, National Geographic. National Geographic Learning Reader: Diversity of America (with eBook Printed Access Card). : Cengage, 2014.
APA Style
Learning, National Geographic. (2014). National Geographic Learning Reader: Diversity of America (with eBook Printed Access Card). : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Learning, National Geographic, 2014, National Geographic Learning Reader: Diversity of America (with eBook Printed Access Card), Cengage, .
IEEE Style
National Geographic Learning. National Geographic Learning Reader: Diversity of America (with eBook Printed Access Card). : Cengage, 2014.

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