Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis and Design

Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis and Design

Muhammad H. Rashid

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Deskripsi Buku

Take a breadth first approach to learning electronics with a strong emphasis on design and simulation in MICROELECTRONIC CIRCUITS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 3E This book introduces the general characteristics of circuits ICs to prepare you to effectively use circuit design and analysis techniques The author then offers a more detailed study of devices and circuits and how they operate within ICs Important circuits are analyzed in worked out examples to introduce basic techniques and emphasize the effects of parameter variations More than half of the problems and examples concentrate on design and use software tools extensively You learn to apply theory to real world design problems as you master computer simulations for testing and verifying your designs Take a breadth first approach to learning electronics with a strong emphasis on design and simulation in MICROELECTRONIC CIRCUITS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 3E This book introduces the general characteristics of circuits ICs to prepare you to effectively use circuit design and analysis techniques The author then offers a more detailed study ...


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