Methods In Behavioral Research

Methods In Behavioral Research

Paul C Cozby; Scott C Bates

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PREFACE xix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many individuals helped to produce this and previous editions of this book The portfolio manager at McGraw Hill was Nancy Welcher we are also indebted to the editors of previous editions Franklin Graham Ken King Mike Sugarman and Krista Bettino for their guidance We are extremely grateful for the input from numerous students and instructors including the following individuals who provided detailed reviews for this edition Marina Bornovalova University of South Florida Kristy Boyce The Ohio State University Blaine Browne Valdosta State University Robert Christman Mohawk Valley Community College Emily Cohen Shikora Washington University at St Louis Paul Curran Grand Valley State University Robert O Deaner Grand Valley State University Christopher Dickinson Appalachian State University Dana S Dunn Moravian College Mario Fific Grand Valley State University Stephen Gabbard Wright State University Dayton Leslie A Gill Eastern New Mexico University Suzanne Helfer Adrian College Charles M Huffman Georgia Southwestern State University Christopher Howard Husson University Ashley Jordan University of Arizona Jeff Kibler Nova Southeastern University Cecile Lardon University of Alaska Fairbanks Mindy Ma Nova Southeastern University Hajime Otani Central Michigan University Mary K Radeke Central Washington University Theodore M Singelis California State University Chico Lynda Villaneuva University of HoustonPREFACE xix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many individuals helped to produce this and previous editions of this book The portfolio manager at McGraw Hill was Nancy Welcher we are also indebted to the editors of previous editions Franklin Graham Ken King Mike Sugarman and Krista Bettino for their guidance We are extremely grateful for ...


MLA Style
Cozby, Paul C dan Scott C Bates. Methods In Behavioral Research. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2020. Online.
Chicago Style
Cozby, Paul C dan Scott C Bates. Methods In Behavioral Research. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2020.
Turabian Style
Cozby, Paul C dan Scott C Bates. Methods In Behavioral Research. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2020.
APA Style
Cozby, Paul C dan Scott C Bates. (2020). Methods In Behavioral Research. London: McGraw-Hill Education.
Harvard Style
Cozby, Paul C dan Scott C Bates, 2020, Methods In Behavioral Research, McGraw-Hill Education, London.
IEEE Style
Paul C Cozby dan Scott C Bates. Methods In Behavioral Research. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2020.

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