A highly respected balanced and thoroughly modern approach to U S history LIBERTY EQUALITY POWER A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE Seventh Edition uses these three themes to show how the United States was transformed from hunter gatherer and agricultural Native American societies into the most powerful industrial nation on Earth This approach helps students understand the impact of the notions of liberty and equality which are often associated with the American story and recognize how dominant and subordinate groups have affected and been affected by the ever shifting balance of power The text integrates the best of recent social and cultural scholarship including fun material on movies and other forms of popular culture into a political story offering a comprehensive and complete understanding of American history Available in the following split options LIBERTY EQUALITY POWER Seventh Edition Chapters 1 32 ISBN 9781305084131 Volume I To 1877 Chapters 1 17 ISBN 9781305084148 Volume II Since 1863 Chapters 17 32 ISBN 9781305084155 A highly respected balanced and thoroughly modern approach to U S history LIBERTY EQUALITY POWER A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE Seventh Edition uses these three themes to show how the United States was transformed from hunter gatherer and agricultural Native American societies into the most powerful industrial nation on Earth ...This approach helps students understand the impact of the notions of liberty and equality which are often associated with the American story and recognize how dominant and subordinate groups have affected and been affected by the ever shifting balance of power The text integrates the best of recent social and cultural scholarship including fun material on movies and other forms of popular culture into a political story offering a comprehensive and complete understanding of American history Available in the following split options LIBERTY EQUALITY POWER Seventh Edition Chapters 1 32 ISBN 9781305084131 Volume I To 1877 Chapters 1 17 ISBN 9781305084148 Volume II Since 1863 Chapters 17 32 ISBN 9781305084155