Kodi the Frog revolves around the life of Kodi a small frog in ten delighful and imaginative stories All story texts are presented in two languages to help the young learners of the English language in grasping their meanings and getting more familiar with them as they discover the joy of reading Kodi the Frog brings the children along the process of learning about social and self responsibility as they grow up and get acquainted with their environment Kodi the Frog menceritakan kehidupan Kodi seekor kodok kecil dalam sepuluh cerita yang menyenangkan dan imajinatif Seluruh teks cerita disajikan dalam dua bahasa untuk membantu para pembelajar bahasa Inggris cilik menguasai makna dan terbiasa berbahasa Inggris saat mereka menemukan kesenangan membaca Kodi the Frog juga mengajak anak anak menuju proses pembelajaran tanggung jawab diri dan sosial saat mereka tumbuh dan mulai mengenal lingkungan Kodi the Frog revolves around the life of Kodi a small frog in ten delighful and imaginative stories All story texts are presented in two languages to help the young learners of the English language in grasping their meanings and getting more familiar with them as they discover the joy of ...reading Kodi the Frog brings the children along the process of learning about social and self responsibility as they grow up and get acquainted with their environment Kodi the Frog menceritakan kehidupan Kodi seekor kodok kecil dalam sepuluh cerita yang menyenangkan dan imajinatif Seluruh teks cerita disajikan dalam dua bahasa untuk membantu para pembelajar bahasa Inggris cilik menguasai makna dan terbiasa berbahasa Inggris saat mereka menemukan kesenangan membaca Kodi the Frog juga mengajak anak anak menuju proses pembelajaran tanggung jawab diri dan sosial saat mereka tumbuh dan mulai mengenal lingkungan