Knowing power about vocabulary

Knowing power about vocabulary


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Vocabulary has important role in English learning It is one element that links the four skills of speaking listening reading and writing all together In order to master all those skills the students need to have good vocabulary mastery Adequate numbers of words which is acquired by the students will enable them to master English skills easily It will be easy for students to communicate their ideas both in written or spoken form and comprehend what people say if they have good vocabulary mastery Vocabulary has important role in English learning It is one element that links the four skills of speaking listening reading and writing all together In order to master all those skills the students need to have good vocabulary mastery Adequate numbers of words which is acquired by the students will enable ...


MLA Style
ADITYA, IVAN AL KHANIF. Knowing power about vocabulary. Surabaya: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, 2023. Online.
Chicago Style
ADITYA, IVAN AL KHANIF. Knowing power about vocabulary. Surabaya: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, 2023.
Turabian Style
ADITYA, IVAN AL KHANIF. Knowing power about vocabulary. Surabaya: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, 2023.
APA Style
ADITYA, IVAN AL KHANIF. (2023). Knowing power about vocabulary. Surabaya: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE.
Harvard Style
ADITYA, IVAN AL KHANIF, 2023, Knowing power about vocabulary, CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, Surabaya.
IEEE Style
IVAN AL KHANIF ADITYA. Knowing power about vocabulary. Surabaya: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, 2023.

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