Knowing accurate in expression

Knowing accurate in expression


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Communication is a basic need for human Communication can be done orally or in written way Oral communication is the basic communication used by most people in the world Oral communication is done in the form of conversation In our daily conversation we often stating our feeling or purpose with various expressions There are various expressions in English All of the expressions have their own purposes Mastering the English expression well is the key success to be able to communicate well Communication is a basic need for human Communication can be done orally or in written way Oral communication is the basic communication used by most people in the world Oral communication is done in the form of conversation In our daily conversation we often stating our feeling or purpose with various ...


MLA Style
ADITYA, IVAN AL KHANIF. Knowing accurate in expression. Surabaya: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, 2023. Online.
Chicago Style
ADITYA, IVAN AL KHANIF. Knowing accurate in expression. Surabaya: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, 2023.
Turabian Style
ADITYA, IVAN AL KHANIF. Knowing accurate in expression. Surabaya: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, 2023.
APA Style
ADITYA, IVAN AL KHANIF. (2023). Knowing accurate in expression. Surabaya: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE.
Harvard Style
ADITYA, IVAN AL KHANIF, 2023, Knowing accurate in expression, CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, Surabaya.
IEEE Style
IVAN AL KHANIF ADITYA. Knowing accurate in expression. Surabaya: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, 2023.

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