Journey along the Metaverse Roman Silk Road

Journey along the Metaverse Roman Silk Road

Ariesto Hadi Sutopo

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Deskripsi Buku

Metaverse is the next internet iteration with a decentralized network of virtual spaces where users can socialize learn and play Leveraging other emerging technologies 5G blockchain artificial intelligence and moving from 2D graphics on flat screens to 3D graphics on HMD Metaverse will enable the creation of interactive and virtual equivalents of the physical world we will be able to explore via its extended reality platform As for our novel Journey along the Metaverse Roman Silk Road we have done our best to become a thirsty publication for readers interested in reading science fiction novels This Metaverse Journey gives an experience of virtual journey along Silk Road from Istanbul to Roman EmpireMetaverse is the next internet iteration with a decentralized network of virtual spaces where users can socialize learn and play Leveraging other emerging technologies 5G blockchain artificial intelligence and moving from 2D graphics on flat screens to 3D graphics on HMD Metaverse will enable the creation of interactive and virtual equivalents ...


MLA Style
Sutopo, Ariesto Hadi. Journey along the Metaverse Roman Silk Road. Tangerang: TOPAZART, 2023. Online.
Chicago Style
Sutopo, Ariesto Hadi. Journey along the Metaverse Roman Silk Road. Tangerang: TOPAZART, 2023.
Turabian Style
Sutopo, Ariesto Hadi. Journey along the Metaverse Roman Silk Road. Tangerang: TOPAZART, 2023.
APA Style
Sutopo, Ariesto Hadi. (2023). Journey along the Metaverse Roman Silk Road. Tangerang: TOPAZART.
Harvard Style
Sutopo, Ariesto Hadi, 2023, Journey along the Metaverse Roman Silk Road, TOPAZART, Tangerang.
IEEE Style
Ariesto Hadi Sutopo. Journey along the Metaverse Roman Silk Road. Tangerang: TOPAZART, 2023.

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