2 FIELD MEDICINE Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease accepts original research on epidemiology pathogenesis diagnosis and treatment of infectious disease and control of infectious diseases with particular emphasis on those diseases which are most common in Indonesia South East Asia tropical countries and around the world This journal aims to improve the understanding of factors involved in disease emergence prevention and elimination It accepts original research articles short communication review article case report commentary and letters to editors in English Scopes Infectious diseases biochemistry molecular biology and microbiology Online ISSN 2356 0991 Frequency April September and December Indexed by Article Processing Charge USD 106 81 https e journal unair ac id IJTID H index 11 Citation 571 Folia Medica Indonesiana Folia Medica Indonesiana FMI is the medical journal of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga Surabaya Indonesia The first volume of the journal was released in 1964 The journal receives original research papers review articles and case studies focused on original basic medical and clinical articles presented as original articles review articles and case report Scopes Biomedicine anatomy histology biochemistry physiology microbiology parasitology pathology and pharmacology clinical medicines such as obstetrics and gynecology pediatrics internal medicine ophthalmology surgery neurology otholaryngology cardiology anaesthesiology rehabilitative medicine public health and preventive medicine Online ISSN 2599 056X Frequency March June September and December Indexed by Article Processing Charge USD 106 81 H index 13 Citation 878 https e journal unair ac id FMI2 FIELD MEDICINE Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease accepts original research on epidemiology pathogenesis diagnosis and treatment of infectious disease and control of infectious diseases with particular emphasis on those diseases which are most common in Indonesia South East Asia tropical countries ...and around the world This journal aims to improve the understanding of factors involved in disease emergence prevention and elimination It accepts original research articles short communication review article case report commentary and letters to editors in English Scopes Infectious diseases biochemistry molecular biology and microbiology Online ISSN 2356 0991 Frequency April September and December Indexed by Article Processing Charge USD 106 81 https e journal unair ac id IJTID H index 11 Citation 571 Folia Medica Indonesiana Folia Medica Indonesiana FMI is the medical journal of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga Surabaya Indonesia The first volume of the journal was released in 1964 The journal receives original research papers review articles and case studies focused on original basic medical and clinical articles presented as original articles review articles and case report Scopes Biomedicine anatomy histology biochemistry physiology microbiology parasitology pathology and pharmacology clinical medicines such as obstetrics and gynecology pediatrics internal medicine ophthalmology surgery neurology otholaryngology cardiology anaesthesiology rehabilitative medicine public health and preventive medicine Online ISSN 2599 056X Frequency March June September and December Indexed by Article Processing Charge USD 106 81 H index 13 Citation 878 https e journal unair ac id FMI