Investigating Your Career, Updated Precision Exams Edition, 3rd

Investigating Your Career, Updated Precision Exams Edition, 3rd

Ann Jordan; Tena Crews

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Deskripsi Buku

INVESTIGATING YOUR CAREER UPDATED PRECISION EXAMS EDITION 3E offers students an opportunity to direct their attention toward an area of interest that might develop into a career path while also identifying high school and college course offerings related to their career choices This career exploration text uniquely focuses on the student s individual PATH to success their Passions Attitude Talents and Heart as career possibilities are explored By choosing a career based on what they want to do students develop the ability to make informed decisions about their future are more excited about learning and are more motivated to stay in school This text includes social networking personal finance blog activities math and financial information and additional coverage on the 16 Career Clusters This text takes career exploration to a new level and is the perfect solution for states that now require recommend a semester length middle school junior high career course before graduating students Focusing education on the future the U S Office of Education has grouped careers into 16 clusters based on similar job characteristics Every chapter in INVESTIGATING YOUR CAREER UPDATED PRECISION EXAMS EDITION 3EINVESTIGATING YOUR CAREER UPDATED PRECISION EXAMS EDITION 3E offers students an opportunity to direct their attention toward an area of interest that might develop into a career path while also identifying high school and college course offerings related to their career choices This career exploration text uniquely focuses on the student ...


MLA Style
Jordan, Ann dan Tena Crews. Investigating Your Career, Updated Precision Exams Edition, 3rd. United States of America: Cengage, 2019. Online.
Chicago Style
Jordan, Ann dan Tena Crews. Investigating Your Career, Updated Precision Exams Edition, 3rd. United States of America: Cengage, 2019.
Turabian Style
Jordan, Ann dan Tena Crews. Investigating Your Career, Updated Precision Exams Edition, 3rd. United States of America: Cengage, 2019.
APA Style
Jordan, Ann dan Tena Crews. (2019). Investigating Your Career, Updated Precision Exams Edition, 3rd. United States of America: Cengage.
Harvard Style
Jordan, Ann dan Tena Crews, 2019, Investigating Your Career, Updated Precision Exams Edition, 3rd, Cengage, United States of America.
IEEE Style
Ann Jordan dan Tena Crews. Investigating Your Career, Updated Precision Exams Edition, 3rd. United States of America: Cengage, 2019.

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