Introduction to the New Testament Greek: An Easier, Faster and ExcitingWay of Studying New Testament Greek

Introduction to the New Testament Greek: An Easier, Faster and ExcitingWay of Studying New Testament Greek

Chandra Han

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This book will analyze the noun in chapter I and verb in chapter II followed by the syntax of simple sentence in chapter III The Noun and Verb as two essential parts of a sentence must be studied well before learning the further parts such as the pronoun comparison prepositions and particles in chapter IV Infinitve as verbal noun will be studied in chapter V while participle which is verbal adjective will be covered in chapter VI The syntax of complex sentences will be provided in chapter VII Though this is an introduction it contains 800 exercises to do so the goal of mastering this book can be achieved This book will analyze the noun in chapter I and verb in chapter II followed by the syntax of simple sentence in chapter III The Noun and Verb as two essential parts of a sentence must be studied well before learning the further parts such as the pronoun comparison prepositions and ...


MLA Style
Han, Chandra. Introduction to the New Testament Greek: An Easier, Faster and ExcitingWay of Studying New Testament Greek. Jakarta: UPH PRESS, 2024. Online.
Chicago Style
Han, Chandra. Introduction to the New Testament Greek: An Easier, Faster and ExcitingWay of Studying New Testament Greek. Jakarta: UPH PRESS, 2024.
Turabian Style
Han, Chandra. Introduction to the New Testament Greek: An Easier, Faster and ExcitingWay of Studying New Testament Greek. Jakarta: UPH PRESS, 2024.
APA Style
Han, Chandra. (2024). Introduction to the New Testament Greek: An Easier, Faster and ExcitingWay of Studying New Testament Greek. Jakarta: UPH PRESS.
Harvard Style
Han, Chandra, 2024, Introduction to the New Testament Greek: An Easier, Faster and ExcitingWay of Studying New Testament Greek, UPH PRESS, Jakarta.
IEEE Style
Chandra Han. Introduction to the New Testament Greek: An Easier, Faster and ExcitingWay of Studying New Testament Greek. Jakarta: UPH PRESS, 2024.

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