I N S T R U C T O R S G U I D E T O C O N N E C T F O R I N T E R P E R S O N A L C O M M U N I C AT I O N Updated table lists female heads of state and government across the world Revised section focuses on Common Conflict Triggers New suggestions offer strategies for Managing Computer Mediated Conflict CHAPTER 12 DECEPTIVE COMMUNICATION New chapter opening vignette describes deception in the film Anything for Love Updated examples focus on high profile lying and lying through omission New discussion explores lying in dating apps xxviiI N S T R U C T O R S G U I D E T O C O N N E C T F O R I N T E R P E R S O N A L C O M M U N I C AT I ...O N Updated table lists female heads of state and government across the world Revised section focuses on Common Conflict Triggers New suggestions offer strategies for Managing Computer Mediated Conflict CHAPTER 12 DECEPTIVE COMMUNICATION New chapter opening vignette describes deception in the film Anything for Love Updated examples focus on high profile lying and lying through omission New discussion explores lying in dating apps xxvii