Intensive Course of English is one of the compulsory courses in the curriculum of English language program in English Department It is designed to provide first semester students of English the study of English language It will shape the participants competence in knowledge and skill of the language Topics will cover English expressions grammar presented in some themes related to daily communication The course includes practice activities in English in order to develop the skills in listening speaking reading and writing This course is the prerequisite course of the other English courses especially those related to grammar and skills The objectives of the course are 1 to enable students to shape listening skills needed to understand basic core of topics and communicative functions in English 2 to enable students to shape speaking skills pertaining to expressing ideas and feeling in certain topics and communicative functions in English 3 to enable students to shape writing skills for a range of functional writing tasks 4 to enable students to shape intensive and extensive reading skills in good manner in terms of being honest discipline confident and responsible The Intensive Course of English Student s Book is provided for the students to achieve the course objectives The materials are presented in topics and subtopics which are separated into 7units and each unit is divided into 4 and 5 lessons Each lesson consists of sections namely reading vocabulary listening speaking grammar and pronunciation In each section there are varieties of exercises and activities to permit both controlled and freer practice The listening parts are provided and the listening materials in audio files are available Intensive Course of English is one of the compulsory courses in the curriculum of English language program in English Department It is designed to provide first semester students of English the study of English language It will shape the participants competence in knowledge and skill of the language Topics will cover ...English expressions grammar presented in some themes related to daily communication The course includes practice activities in English in order to develop the skills in listening speaking reading and writing This course is the prerequisite course of the other English courses especially those related to grammar and skills The objectives of the course are 1 to enable students to shape listening skills needed to understand basic core of topics and communicative functions in English 2 to enable students to shape speaking skills pertaining to expressing ideas and feeling in certain topics and communicative functions in English 3 to enable students to shape writing skills for a range of functional writing tasks 4 to enable students to shape intensive and extensive reading skills in good manner in terms of being honest discipline confident and responsible The Intensive Course of English Student s Book is provided for the students to achieve the course objectives The materials are presented in topics and subtopics which are separated into 7units and each unit is divided into 4 and 5 lessons Each lesson consists of sections namely reading vocabulary listening speaking grammar and pronunciation In each section there are varieties of exercises and activities to permit both controlled and freer practice The listening parts are provided and the listening materials in audio files are available