Inside Rhinoceros 5

Inside Rhinoceros 5


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Deskripsi Buku

INSIDE RHINOCEROS 5 is a well designed introduction to using the latest version of Rhino This book bridges the gap between theoretical and software oriented approaches to computer modeling by providing a balanced presentation of theory concepts and hands on tutorials It begins with an overview of the Rhinoceros5interface and progresses to explore wireframe models and the construction of curves This book contains an in depth examination of surface modeling taking you step by step through surfaces construction using Rhino and discusses in detail solid modeling methods rendering engineering drawing and outputting to various file formats INSIDE RHINOCEROS 5 concludes with a set of projects aimed at allowing you to apply Rhino in real world design situations INSIDE RHINOCEROS 5 is a well designed introduction to using the latest version of Rhino This book bridges the gap between theoretical and software oriented approaches to computer modeling by providing a balanced presentation of theory concepts and hands on tutorials It begins with an overview of the Rhinoceros5interface and progresses ...


MLA Style
Cheng. Inside Rhinoceros 5. : Cengage, 2014. Online.
Chicago Style
Cheng. Inside Rhinoceros 5. : Cengage, 2014.
Turabian Style
Cheng. Inside Rhinoceros 5. : Cengage, 2014.
APA Style
Cheng. (2014). Inside Rhinoceros 5. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Cheng, 2014, Inside Rhinoceros 5, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Cheng. Inside Rhinoceros 5. : Cengage, 2014.

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