Industrial Maintenance

Industrial Maintenance


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INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE Second Edition provides a strong foundation in all five major areas of industrial maintenance including general mechanical electrical welding and preventive maintenance In addition to essential information on safety tools industrial print reading and electrical theory this comprehensive text includes a detailed exploration of modern machinery and equipment to help you understand diagnose troubleshoot and maintain a wide variety of industrial machines This text has also been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect recent developments in this dynamic rapidly evolving field including current piping and fluid power symbols rigging and mechanical installations magnetism transformers motors and sensors and industrial communications With comprehensive up to date coverage and a reader friendly modular presentation INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE is the perfect resource to prepare you for success as an industrial maintenance technician INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE Second Edition provides a strong foundation in all five major areas of industrial maintenance including general mechanical electrical welding and preventive maintenance In addition to essential information on safety tools industrial print reading and electrical theory this comprehensive text includes a detailed exploration of modern machinery and equipment to ...


MLA Style
Brumbach/Clade. Industrial Maintenance. : Cengage, 2014. Online.
Chicago Style
Brumbach/Clade. Industrial Maintenance. : Cengage, 2014.
Turabian Style
Brumbach/Clade. Industrial Maintenance. : Cengage, 2014.
APA Style
Brumbach/Clade. (2014). Industrial Maintenance. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Brumbach/Clade, 2014, Industrial Maintenance, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Brumbach/Clade. Industrial Maintenance. : Cengage, 2014.

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