Indonesia’S Path Toward Middlepowership

Indonesia’S Path Toward Middlepowership

Yohanes Wiliam Santoso, dkk

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Indonesia s Path toward Middlepowership is a book deliberately constructed by scholarship around Indonesia and ASEAN to raise awareness of Indonesia s potential new leanings and efforts made towards the title of middlepowership in the International order The content is a rewritten version of papers contributed by scholars for the event called Renaissance which is a short form of Reaffirming Indonesia s Foreign Affairs in Airlangga International Seminar and Conference As this book aims to explain the broad elements and concept of Indonesia s middlepowership it is then divided into 4 distinct chapters that is chosen based on its significancy and reliability on being indicators of middle power country which are 1 Indonesia s Maritime Security and its Dynamics 2 Political Economy as Material Modality towards Middlepowership 3 Socio Cultural Aspects as Imaterial Modality towards Middlepowership and 4 Indonesia s Domestic Political Affairs and Its Dynamics Indonesia s Path toward Middlepowership is a book deliberately constructed by scholarship around Indonesia and ASEAN to raise awareness of Indonesia s potential new leanings and efforts made towards the title of middlepowership in the International order The content is a rewritten version of papers contributed by scholars for the event ...


MLA Style
Santoso, Yohanes Wiliam, dkk. Indonesia’S Path Toward Middlepowership. Surabaya: Unair Press, 2019. Online.
Chicago Style
Santoso, Yohanes Wiliam, dkk. Indonesia’S Path Toward Middlepowership. Surabaya: Unair Press, 2019.
Turabian Style
Santoso, Yohanes Wiliam, dkk, Indonesia’S Path Toward Middlepowership. Surabaya: Unair Press, 2019.
APA Style
Santoso, Yohanes Wiliam, dkk. (2019). Indonesia’S Path Toward Middlepowership. Surabaya: Unair Press.
Harvard Style
Santoso, Yohanes Wiliam, dkk, 2019, Indonesia’S Path Toward Middlepowership, Unair Press, Surabaya.
IEEE Style
Yohanes Wiliam Santoso, dkk, Indonesia’S Path Toward Middlepowership. Surabaya: Unair Press, 2019.

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