Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Advanced)

Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Advanced)


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Deskripsi Buku

Loved by students like you for its visual and flexible approach to building computer skills the ILLUSTRATED COURSE GUIDE MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 WORD 2016 ADVANCED is the ideal resource for mastering complex and advanced Microsoft Word 2016 regardless of your experience level Each two page spread focuses on a single skill ensuring that information is easy to follow and absorb The ILLUSTRATED COURSE GUIDE divides important Microsoft Word 2016 concepts and skills into three manageable levels Introductory Intermediate and Advanced making it perfect for mastering the skills you need in any learning environment Loved by students like you for its visual and flexible approach to building computer skills the ILLUSTRATED COURSE GUIDE MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 WORD 2016 ADVANCED is the ideal resource for mastering complex and advanced Microsoft Word 2016 regardless of your experience level Each two page spread focuses on a ...


MLA Style
Cram. Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Advanced). : Cengage, 2017. Online.
Chicago Style
Cram. Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Advanced). : Cengage, 2017.
Turabian Style
Cram. Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Advanced). : Cengage, 2017.
APA Style
Cram. (2017). Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Advanced). : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Cram, 2017, Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Advanced), Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Cram. Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Office 365 & Word 2016 (Advanced). : Cengage, 2017.

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