Illustrated Computer Concepts and Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016

Illustrated Computer Concepts and Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016


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Now you can master today s most important computer concepts as well as key Microsoft Office 2016 skills with the user friendly approach found in ILLUSTRATED COMPUTER CONCEPTS AND MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 OFFICE 2016 This all in one book helps you become proficient in both today s computer concepts and the skills you need to know A user friendly two page spread made popular throughout this Illustrated Microsoft Office 2016 Series clearly demonstrates key application skills Today s most up to date technology developments and concepts are clarified using a distinctive step by step approach that incorporates the latest technology updates from the respected COMPUTER CONCEPTS ILLUSTRATED BRIEF This edition highlights the most recent Office 365 changes with a new module that introduces Productivity Apps You ll find a wealth of online resources to support your learning and equip you for success in today s digital world Now you can master today s most important computer concepts as well as key Microsoft Office 2016 skills with the user friendly approach found in ILLUSTRATED COMPUTER CONCEPTS AND MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 OFFICE 2016 This all in one book helps you become proficient in both today s ...


MLA Style
Parsons/Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen/Reding. Illustrated Computer Concepts and Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016. : Cengage, 2017. Online.
Chicago Style
Parsons/Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen/Reding. Illustrated Computer Concepts and Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016. : Cengage, 2017.
Turabian Style
Parsons/Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen/Reding. Illustrated Computer Concepts and Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016. : Cengage, 2017.
APA Style
Parsons/Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen/Reding. (2017). Illustrated Computer Concepts and Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Parsons/Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen/Reding, 2017, Illustrated Computer Concepts and Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Parsons/Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen/Reding. Illustrated Computer Concepts and Microsoft® Office 365 & Office 2016. : Cengage, 2017.

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