Identitifying the marriott bombers

Identitifying the marriott bombers

Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo

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Deskripsi Buku

THE blood smeared head was catapulted to the fifth floor far from the badly burned body that was found on the first floor The blood from the head had almost congealed resembling lava flowing from the forehead to the neck THE blood smeared head was catapulted to the fifth floor far from the badly burned body that was found on the first floor The blood from the head had almost congealed resembling lava flowing from the forehead to the neck


MLA Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. Identitifying the marriott bombers. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022. Online.
Chicago Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. Identitifying the marriott bombers. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.
Turabian Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. Identitifying the marriott bombers. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.
APA Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. (2022). Identitifying the marriott bombers. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing.
Harvard Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo, 2022, Identitifying the marriott bombers, TEMPO Publishing, Jakarta.
IEEE Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. Identitifying the marriott bombers. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.

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