Scott Titsworth; dkk

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Matthew Malloy Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute Anne McIntosh Central Piedmont Community College Jennifer Millspaugh Richland College Denny Morell Mass Bay Community College Robert Mott York College of Pennsylvania Terri Narrell Snead State Community College Lois B Nemetz Louisiana State University Eunice Steve Butch Owens Navarro College Marcie Pachter Palm Beach State College Lake Worth Campus Trudi Peterson Monmouth College Paul E Potter Hardin Simmons University Danna Prather Suffolk County Community College Rebecca Putt Charter Oak State College Gary D Reeves Baton Rouge Community College Maryanna Richardson Forsyth Technical Community College Rosemary Robertson Smith Louisiana State University Eunice James Rowland Palm Beach State College Lake Worth Campus Shari Santoriello Suffolk County Community College Eastern Jesse Schroeder Northwestern Oklahoma State University Don Simmons Asbury University Sarah Smitherman Tallahassee Community College Patricia Spence Richland College Sean Stewart Lone Star CollegeUniversity Park Kari Stouffer University of Texas Dallas Charlene Strickland Hardin Simmons University Rachael Tiede North Lake College Karol L Walchak Alpena Community College Diana M Withers Charter Oak State College We are also indebted to the outstanding team of McGraw Hill Education colleagues who contributed their time and talent to this edition Sarah Remington and Mary Ellen Curley provided critical guidance as we developed a vision for this edition Your wisdom and pragmatic approach provided us with confidence while your enthusiasm and vision instilled excitement There are many other individuals who worked on several essential aspects of this project including Bridget Belfiore Danielle Bennett Sarah Flynn Rick Hecker Brianna Kirschbaum and Laura Young Thank you for being part of the Human Communication team We were particularly blessed to work with a delightful editor Victoria DeRosa Victoria was a true collaborator on this project Her eye for detail insightful suggestions understanding of our vision and commitment to be inclusive to students was evident in the work she did with us We are so thankful to have had you with us on this journey Finally we are reminded that book projects are family endeavors Scott would like to thank Lynn Harter for providing a creative sounding board and unending support for this project Thanks also to Emma Ned and Cleo for their love and fun diversions from the computer Angela would like to thank her partner Timothy for his faith in her talents and their children Lillie Ayden and Genevieve for their laughter love and inquisitive minds xxviii AcknowledgmentsMatthew Malloy Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute Anne McIntosh Central Piedmont Community College Jennifer Millspaugh Richland College Denny Morell Mass Bay Community College Robert Mott York College of Pennsylvania Terri Narrell Snead State Community College Lois B Nemetz Louisiana State University Eunice Steve Butch Owens Navarro College Marcie Pachter Palm ...


MLA Style
Titsworth, Scott, dkk. HUMAN COMMUNICATION 7E. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021. Online.
Chicago Style
Titsworth, Scott, dkk. HUMAN COMMUNICATION 7E. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.
Turabian Style
Titsworth, Scott, dkk. HUMAN COMMUNICATION 7E. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.
APA Style
Titsworth, Scott, dkk. (2021). HUMAN COMMUNICATION 7E. London: McGraw-Hill Education.
Harvard Style
Titsworth, Scott, dkk, 2021, HUMAN COMMUNICATION 7E, McGraw-Hill Education, London.
IEEE Style
Scott Titsworth, dkk. HUMAN COMMUNICATION 7E. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.

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