How to Say “No” Without Saying “No” INDIRECT REFUSAL STRATEGIES

How to Say “No” Without Saying “No” INDIRECT REFUSAL STRATEGIES

Fithrah Auliya Ansar

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Deskripsi Buku

This book is about strategies to say No without saying No and other negative expressions to refuse a request answer an opinion and reject an offer etc Moreover this book also reveals some studies regarding politeness strategies that proves the inevitable of refusals in daily life Refusal can be said directly and indirectly yet people prefer saying refusal indirectly Decision to convey refusal depends on particular condition interlocutor listener and situation However not all people have idea how to refuse without hurting others feeling causing disappointment and embarrassing We can say refusal with giving a reason apologizing and hedging etc within this book The writer hope this book will give you inspiration to refuse someone s request politely and save others feeling that can strengthen your relationship This book is about strategies to say No without saying No and other negative expressions to refuse a request answer an opinion and reject an offer etc Moreover this book also reveals some studies regarding politeness strategies that proves the inevitable of refusals in daily life Refusal can be said directly ...


MLA Style
Ansar, Fithrah Auliya. How to Say “No” Without Saying “No” INDIRECT REFUSAL STRATEGIES. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab, 2020. Online.
Chicago Style
Ansar, Fithrah Auliya. How to Say “No” Without Saying “No” INDIRECT REFUSAL STRATEGIES. Penerbit Adab: Indramayu, 2020.
Turabian Style
Ansar, Fithrah Auliya. How to Say “No” Without Saying “No” INDIRECT REFUSAL STRATEGIES. Penerbit Adab: Indramayu, 2020.
APA Style
Ansar, Fithrah Auliya. (2020). How to Say “No” Without Saying “No” INDIRECT REFUSAL STRATEGIES. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab.
Harvard Style
Ansar, Fithrah Auliya, 2020, How to Say “No” Without Saying “No” INDIRECT REFUSAL STRATEGIES, Indramayu, Penerbit Adab.
IEEE Style
Fithrah Auliya Ansar. How to Say “No” Without Saying “No” INDIRECT REFUSAL STRATEGIES. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab, 2020.

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