Poetry and arguments have a long history Early attempts to define poetry such as AristotlePoetry and arguments have a long history Early attempts to define poetry such as Aristotle
MLA Style
Aditya, Ivan Al Khanif. History of poem from popular writer [sumber elektronis]. SURABAYA: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, 2023. Online.
Chicago Style
Aditya, Ivan Al Khanif. History of poem from popular writer [sumber elektronis]. SURABAYA: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, 2023.
Turabian Style
Aditya, Ivan Al Khanif. History of poem from popular writer [sumber elektronis]. SURABAYA: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, 2023.
APA Style
Aditya, Ivan Al Khanif. (2023). History of poem from popular writer [sumber elektronis]. SURABAYA: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE.
Harvard Style
Aditya, Ivan Al Khanif, 2023, History of poem from popular writer [sumber elektronis], CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, SURABAYA.
IEEE Style
Ivan Al Khanif Aditya. History of poem from popular writer [sumber elektronis]. SURABAYA: CV. MEDIA EDUKASI CREATIVE, 2023.