Health Systems and the Challenge of Communicable Diseases

Health Systems and the Challenge of Communicable Diseases

Richard Coker; Martin McKee; Rifat Atun

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Health systems everywhere face constant change as they seek to respond to evolving patterns of disease This is especially true with communicable diseases where humanity is engaged in a constant evolutionary struggle with micro organisms that are able to adapt rapidly to a changing world This problem can be for example exemplified recently by the growth of antibiotic resistant infection This fascinating book confronts this challenge looking at two regions where the pace of change is especially rapid Europe and Latin America places where health systems many themselves undergoing rapid organisational transition must find ways of adapting to an ever changing context The book begins with an historical overview recalling how humans and micro organisms have always competed at times with profound historical consequences before examining the current status of this evolutionary struggle It assesses the extent to which human societies and their governments are prepared for the challenges ahead and reviews the experiences of countries in Europe and Latin America in developing effective responses Health Systems and the Challenge of Communicable Diseases will be of interest to those engaged in the development of health policy in high and middle income countries and to those who are studying the creation and implementation of health policy Health systems everywhere face constant change as they seek to respond to evolving patterns of disease This is especially true with communicable diseases where humanity is engaged in a constant evolutionary struggle with micro organisms that are able to adapt rapidly to a changing world This problem can be for example ...


MLA Style
Coker, Richard, Martin McKee dan Rifat Atun. Health Systems and the Challenge of Communicable Diseases. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2008. Online.
Chicago Style
Coker, Richard, Martin McKee dan Rifat Atun. Health Systems and the Challenge of Communicable Diseases. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.
Turabian Style
Coker, Richard, Martin McKee dan Rifat Atun. Health Systems and the Challenge of Communicable Diseases. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.
APA Style
Coker, Richard, Martin McKee dan Rifat Atun. (2008). Health Systems and the Challenge of Communicable Diseases. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Harvard Style
Coker, Richard, Martin McKee dan Rifat Atun, 2008, Health Systems and the Challenge of Communicable Diseases, McGraw-Hill Education, New York.
IEEE Style
Richard Coker, Martin McKee dan Rifat Atun. Health Systems and the Challenge of Communicable Diseases. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.

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