Hanging On, Letting Go

Hanging On, Letting Go

Edward Zrudlo

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Deskripsi Buku

Katie Carl David Mrinal Wen Maria and Jin Kyeong are well on their way along the Venture Quest ropes course They ve reached the top of the sycamore tree and are preparing for the second stage the dangling ropes In this stage the students must walk along a rope using other rope handles for balance only the rope handles aren t within easy reach Will the students be able to push through the fear of letting go of each rope before grabbing the next one Translate Katie Carl David Mrinal Wen Maria dan Jin Kyeong baik baik saja sepanjang jalur tali Venture Quest Mereka telah mencapai puncak pohon sycamore dan bersiap untuk tahap kedua tali yang menjuntai Pada tahap ini siswa harus berjalan di sepanjang tali dengan menggunakan pegangan tali yang lain untuk menjaga keseimbangan hanya pegangan tali yang tidak mudah dijangkau Akankah siswa mampu mengatasi rasa takut melepaskan setiap tali sebelum meraih tali berikutnya Katie Carl David Mrinal Wen Maria and Jin Kyeong are well on their way along the Venture Quest ropes course They ve reached the top of the sycamore tree and are preparing for the second stage the dangling ropes In this stage the students must walk along a rope using other ...


MLA Style
Zrudlo, Edward. Hanging On, Letting Go. Tangerang Selatan: E-future, 2024. Online.
Chicago Style
Zrudlo, Edward. Hanging On, Letting Go. Tangerang Selatan: E-future, 2024.
Turabian Style
Zrudlo, Edward. Hanging On, Letting Go. Tangerang Selatan: E-future, 2024.
APA Style
Zrudlo, Edward. (2024). Hanging On, Letting Go. Tangerang Selatan: E-future.
Harvard Style
Zrudlo, Edward, 2024, Hanging On, Letting Go, E-future, Tangerang Selatan.
IEEE Style
Edward Zrudlo. Hanging On, Letting Go. Tangerang Selatan: E-future, 2024.

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