Growing Artists

Growing Artists


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Deskripsi Buku

GROWING ARTISTS TEACHING THE ARTS TO YOUNG CHILDREN 6th Edition provides you with the theoretical framework and background knowledge needed to design creative arts activities for young children from infancy through the primary grades Beautifully illustrated with children s artwork it features a wealth of child tested open ended dramatic arts music creative dance and visual art activities that foster children s creativity Examples of teaching in action model how you can be an enthusiastic and effective teacher of the arts process This book provides a rich resource of ideas and approaches that will inspire all those who work with young children to explore the arts process with them GROWING ARTISTS TEACHING THE ARTS TO YOUNG CHILDREN 6th Edition provides you with the theoretical framework and background knowledge needed to design creative arts activities for young children from infancy through the primary grades Beautifully illustrated with children s artwork it features a wealth of child tested open ended dramatic arts ...


MLA Style
Koster. Growing Artists. : Cengage, 2015. Online.
Chicago Style
Koster. Growing Artists. : Cengage, 2015.
Turabian Style
Koster. Growing Artists. : Cengage, 2015.
APA Style
Koster. (2015). Growing Artists. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Koster, 2015, Growing Artists, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Koster. Growing Artists. : Cengage, 2015.

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