FUNDAMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY FOR PHARMACY TECHNICIANS 2e delivers a clear understanding of how pharmaceuticals act within the body and the ways drugs are used to treat patients today Written to deliver complex information in a practical easy to understand style chapters impart a working knowledge of the medications that pharmacy technicians handle daily along with each drug s mechanism of action indications adverse effects contraindications and interactions The reading begins with an overview of anatomy and physiology then explores how the body systems react to specific drug classes and takes a detailed look at certain diseases in the context of prescription drug treatments Charts graphs warning labels and drug tables add depth to the readings while exhaustive appendices and review questions test understanding and prepare you for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board PTCB exam FUNDAMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY FOR PHARMACY TECHNICIANS 2e is the complete learning solution for pharmacy technicians in training FUNDAMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY FOR PHARMACY TECHNICIANS 2e delivers a clear understanding of how pharmaceuticals act within the body and the ways drugs are used to treat patients today Written to deliver complex information in a practical easy to understand style chapters impart a working knowledge of the medications that pharmacy technicians handle ...daily along with each drug s mechanism of action indications adverse effects contraindications and interactions The reading begins with an overview of anatomy and physiology then explores how the body systems react to specific drug classes and takes a detailed look at certain diseases in the context of prescription drug treatments Charts graphs warning labels and drug tables add depth to the readings while exhaustive appendices and review questions test understanding and prepare you for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board PTCB exam FUNDAMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY FOR PHARMACY TECHNICIANS 2e is the complete learning solution for pharmacy technicians in training