From an explosion one afternoon

From an explosion one afternoon

Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo

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Deskripsi Buku

Last week the Constitutional Court revoked the ban on former members of the Indonesian Communist Party better known by its acronym of PKI from running in the general elections This is a truly historic revision a legal decision aimed at restoring the political rights of people who have been shackled for the past 30 years It was a decision however that was not reached without debate and controversy Last week the Constitutional Court revoked the ban on former members of the Indonesian Communist Party better known by its acronym of PKI from running in the general elections This is a truly historic revision a legal decision aimed at restoring the political rights of people who have been shackled for ...


MLA Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. From an explosion one afternoon. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022. Online.
Chicago Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. From an explosion one afternoon. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.
Turabian Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. From an explosion one afternoon. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.
APA Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. (2022). From an explosion one afternoon. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing.
Harvard Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo, 2022, From an explosion one afternoon, TEMPO Publishing, Jakarta.
IEEE Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. From an explosion one afternoon. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.

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