Financing of the Agricultural Business by Sharia Bank

Financing of the Agricultural Business by Sharia Bank

Muhammad Zeinny Hasbunallah Sasmita

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This book explains the relationship between Islamic bank financing in agricultural businesses and farmer exchange rates in West Java Province This book uses a quantitative approach using secondary data from Islamic banks and other reliable sources The data used covers five years i e 2017 2021 The results should lead to a better understanding of the impact of Islamic bank financing on agricultural businesses on farmers exchange rates in West Java province during the study period In addition this book aimed to determine the effect of the funding level non current finance NPF and BI rate variables on farmers rates This book is expected to help Islamic banks and local governments formulate more effective policies to increase farming financing and farmer exchange rates in West Java Province In addition this book can also contribute to the development of literature on agribusiness financing and the role of Islamic banks in the agricultural sector This book explains the relationship between Islamic bank financing in agricultural businesses and farmer exchange rates in West Java Province This book uses a quantitative approach using secondary data from Islamic banks and other reliable sources The data used covers five years i e 2017 2021 The results should lead to ...


MLA Style
Sasmita, Muhammad Zeinny Hasbunallah. Financing of the Agricultural Business by Sharia Bank. Sukabumi: CV Jejak, 2024. Online.
Chicago Style
Sasmita, Muhammad Zeinny Hasbunallah. Financing of the Agricultural Business by Sharia Bank. Sukabumi: CV Jejak, 2024.
Turabian Style
Sasmita, Muhammad Zeinny Hasbunallah. Financing of the Agricultural Business by Sharia Bank. Sukabumi: CV Jejak, 2024.
APA Style
Sasmita, Muhammad Zeinny Hasbunallah. (2024). Financing of the Agricultural Business by Sharia Bank. Sukabumi: CV Jejak.
Harvard Style
Sasmita, Muhammad Zeinny Hasbunallah, 2024, Financing of the Agricultural Business by Sharia Bank, CV Jejak, Sukabumi.
IEEE Style
Muhammad Zeinny Hasbunallah Sasmita. Financing of the Agricultural Business by Sharia Bank. Sukabumi: CV Jejak, 2024.

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