Faith value probing the haj ''trade''

Faith value probing the haj ''trade''

Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo

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Several critical cases are now strangling National Police chief General Da i Bachtiar Last weekend he was summoned by the House of Representatives Commission I Da i was bombarded with questions regarding the bloody clash inside the Indonesia Muslim University UMI campus in Makassar The embattled general was also condemned for the incident involving hundreds of Abu Bakar Ba asyir s supporters and was blamed for the recent Ambon rioting Is it appropriate to force General Da i Bachtiar to resign Several critical cases are now strangling National Police chief General Da i Bachtiar Last weekend he was summoned by the House of Representatives Commission I Da i was bombarded with questions regarding the bloody clash inside the Indonesia Muslim University UMI campus in Makassar The embattled general was also condemned for ...


MLA Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. Faith value probing the haj ''trade''. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022. Online.
Chicago Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. Faith value probing the haj ''trade''. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.
Turabian Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. Faith value probing the haj ''trade''. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.
APA Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. (2022). Faith value probing the haj ''trade''. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing.
Harvard Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo, 2022, Faith value probing the haj ''trade'', TEMPO Publishing, Jakarta.
IEEE Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. Faith value probing the haj ''trade''. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.

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