

Mary Ann Blitt; Margarita Casas

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Deskripsi Buku

EXPLORACIONES is an engaging and accessible solution for your introductory Spanish course that accommodates the diverse lifestyles of today s learners It is a student and instructor friendly program that supports today s contemporary students while building proficiency in all the language skills through contextualized and communicative activities EXPLORACIONES is based on materials and activities that capture the interests of a broad student audience engaging them in situations and topics that go beyond the academic experience EXPLORACIONES is an engaging and accessible solution for your introductory Spanish course that accommodates the diverse lifestyles of today s learners It is a student and instructor friendly program that supports today s contemporary students while building proficiency in all the language skills through contextualized and communicative activities EXPLORACIONES is based ...


MLA Style
Blitt, Mary Ann dan Margarita Casas. Exploraciones. United States of America: Cengage, 2020. Online.
Chicago Style
Blitt, Mary Ann dan Margarita Casas. Exploraciones. United States of America: Cengage, 2020.
Turabian Style
Blitt, Mary Ann dan Margarita Casas. Exploraciones. United States of America: Cengage, 2020.
APA Style
Blitt, Mary Ann dan Margarita Casas. (2020). Exploraciones. United States of America: Cengage.
Harvard Style
Blitt, Mary Ann dan Margarita Casas, 2020, Exploraciones, Cengage, United States of America.
IEEE Style
Mary Ann Blitt dan Margarita Casas. Exploraciones. United States of America: Cengage, 2020.

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