Examining Indonesia?s Strategic Role, Position, and Interest in Indo-Pacific

Examining Indonesia?s Strategic Role, Position, and Interest in Indo-Pacific

Benedicta Riona Keiko

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Upon the completion of this book we would like to express our utmost gratitude to all parties that have supported the process Firstly we would like to thank all of the authors as their willing to share their wide range of ideas and thoughts on Indonesia s foreign policy Upon the completion of this book we would like to express our utmost gratitude to all parties that have supported the process Firstly we would like to thank all of the authors as their willing to share their wide range of ideas and thoughts on Indonesia s foreign policy


MLA Style
Keiko, Benedicta Riona. Examining Indonesia?s Strategic Role, Position, and Interest in Indo-Pacific. Surabaya: Unair Press, 2022. Online.
Chicago Style
Keiko, Benedicta Riona. Examining Indonesia?s Strategic Role, Position, and Interest in Indo-Pacific. Surabaya: Unair Press, 2022.
Turabian Style
Keiko, Benedicta Riona. Examining Indonesia?s Strategic Role, Position, and Interest in Indo-Pacific. Surabaya: Unair Press, 2022.
APA Style
Keiko, Benedicta Riona. (2022). Examining Indonesia?s Strategic Role, Position, and Interest in Indo-Pacific. Surabaya: Unair Press.
Harvard Style
Keiko, Benedicta Riona, 2022, Examining Indonesia?s Strategic Role, Position, and Interest in Indo-Pacific, Unair Press, Surabaya.
IEEE Style
Benedicta Riona Keiko. Examining Indonesia?s Strategic Role, Position, and Interest in Indo-Pacific. Surabaya: Unair Press, 2022.

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