Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues

Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues

Mackinnon; Fiala

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Deskripsi Buku

Introduce your students to major perspectives in ethical theory and contemporary moral debates with MacKinnon Fiala s ETHICS THEORY AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES 9th Edition Comprehensive and clear introductions to general and specific areas of ethical debate cover such influential ethical theories as religion and global ethics utilitarianism and deontology natural law ethics and feminist and care ethics Contemporary issues include abortion euthanasia sexual morality economic justice prison reform and capital punishment war violence globalization structural racism and same sex marriage A broad range of voices in this edition includes continental and non Western philosophers with readings from prominent voices such as Angela Davis Mohandas Gandhi John Lachs Naomi Zack Hilde Lindemann Iris Marion Young and Andrew Fitz Gibbon MindTap offers Aplia assessments plus animated ethics simulations that allow students to engage with the issues discussed in the text Introduce your students to major perspectives in ethical theory and contemporary moral debates with MacKinnon Fiala s ETHICS THEORY AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES 9th Edition Comprehensive and clear introductions to general and specific areas of ethical debate cover such influential ethical theories as religion and global ethics utilitarianism and deontology natural law ...


MLA Style
Mackinnon, dan Fiala. Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues. United States of America: Cengage, 2018. Online.
Chicago Style
Mackinnon, dan Fiala. Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues. United States of America: Cengage, 2018.
Turabian Style
Mackinnon, dan Fiala. Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues. United States of America: Cengage, 2018.
APA Style
Mackinnon, dan Fiala. (2018). Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues. United States of America: Cengage.
Harvard Style
Mackinnon, dan Fiala, 2018, Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues, Cengage, United States of America.
IEEE Style
Mackinnon, dan Fiala. Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues. United States of America: Cengage, 2018.

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