Environmental Issues In The Era Of World Globalization

Environmental Issues In The Era Of World Globalization

Frances Roi Seston Tampubolon; Hendrik

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Global environmental issues are environmental problems and the impacts resulting from these environmental problems have broad and serious impacts on the world and are comprehensive Global environmental issues have begun to emerge in recent decades Human awareness of the damaged environment has made this environmental issue emerge The global environmental issue that is emerging to the surface is global and the most important in the environment is global warming Global warming or what we often call global warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the earth s atmosphere sea and land Global warming has become the latest global issue related to the environment where pollution and environmental destruction are considered as factors causing the loss of the earth s natural characteristics due to global warming The world is also aware of the need to make strong efforts considering the increasing threat to the existence of life National environmental issues are environmental problems and the impacts resulting from these environmental problems have impacts on a national scale One of the national environmental issues is waste Waste is all objects or waste products in solid form as a result of human activities that are considered useless and unwanted by their owners or are discarded as useless items Currently environmental issues are discussed quite often As we all know the ozone layer is now increasingly thinning As this layer continues to thin it is very worrying that this layer will not exist or disappear completely from the universe Without the ozone layer there are many negative consequences that will befall living creatures on this earth including diseases will spread rapidly unpredictable weather global warming and even the loss of an area due to the melting of ice at the north and south poles The universe is just waiting for its destruction Indeed there are many ways to choose to overcome this problem Scientists provide various inputs to overcome this problem according to their scientific background Writers also do not miss out on taking part in overcoming problems that have become widespread recently This book is here to discuss environmental issues in the era of globalization Happy readingGlobal environmental issues are environmental problems and the impacts resulting from these environmental problems have broad and serious impacts on the world and are comprehensive Global environmental issues have begun to emerge in recent decades Human awareness of the damaged environment has made this environmental issue emerge The global environmental issue ...


MLA Style
Tampubolon, Frances Roi Seston dan Hendrik. Environmental Issues In The Era Of World Globalization. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab, 2024. Online.
Chicago Style
Tampubolon, Frances Roi Seston dan Hendrik. Environmental Issues In The Era Of World Globalization. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab, 2024.
Turabian Style
Tampubolon, Frances Roi Seston dan Hendrik. Environmental Issues In The Era Of World Globalization. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab, 2024.
APA Style
Tampubolon, Frances Roi Seston dan Hendrik. (2024). Environmental Issues In The Era Of World Globalization. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab.
Harvard Style
Tampubolon, Frances Roi Seston dan Hendrik, 2024, Environmental Issues In The Era Of World Globalization, Penerbit Adab, Indramayu.
IEEE Style
Frances Roi Seston Tampubolon dan Hendrik. Environmental Issues In The Era Of World Globalization. Indramayu: Penerbit Adab, 2024.

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