English Conversation for Front Office Staff

English Conversation for Front Office Staff

Ni Putu Era Marsakawati; Made Aryawan Adijaya; Sherlian Febyantika Lion Tantular

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This book is intended for hospitality students majoring in front office department It consists of thirteen units covering all social practices performed by the front office staff namely giving hotel information handling direct reservation handling reservation via telephone handling reservation cancellations handling no show handling individual check in handling group check in escorting the guests to the room showing room to the guests advising hotel guests where to go handling complaints and handling arrangements for a meeting This book can help students and those who are working in a hotel front office to practice language skills and improve their ability to master conversational topics in the area of front office department By practicing their communication skills in handling guests at front office area can be enhanced This book is intended for hospitality students majoring in front office department It consists of thirteen units covering all social practices performed by the front office staff namely giving hotel information handling direct reservation handling reservation via telephone handling reservation cancellations handling no show handling individual check in handling group check ...


MLA Style
Marsakawati, Ni Putu Era, Made Aryawan Adijaya dan Sherlian Febyantika Lion Tantular. English Conversation for Front Office Staff. Yogyakarta: Deepublish Digital, 2022. Online.
Chicago Style
Marsakawati, Ni Putu Era, Made Aryawan Adijaya dan Sherlian Febyantika Lion Tantular. English Conversation for Front Office Staff. Yogyakarta: Deepublish Digital, 2022.
Turabian Style
Marsakawati, Ni Putu Era, Made Aryawan Adijaya dan Sherlian Febyantika Lion Tantular. English Conversation for Front Office Staff. Yogyakarta: Deepublish Digital, 2022.
APA Style
Marsakawati, Ni Putu Era, Made Aryawan Adijaya dan Sherlian Febyantika Lion Tantular. (2022). English Conversation for Front Office Staff. Yogyakarta: Deepublish Digital.
Harvard Style
Marsakawati, Ni Putu Era, Made Aryawan Adijaya dan Sherlian Febyantika Lion Tantular, 2022, English Conversation for Front Office Staff, Deepublish Digital, Yogyakarta.
IEEE Style
Ni Putu Era Marsakawati, Made Aryawan Adijaya dan Sherlian Febyantika Lion Tantular. English Conversation for Front Office Staff. Yogyakarta: Deepublish Digital, 2022.

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