ENGLISH BASIC TASK EBTA For Senior High School PREFACE Assalamualaikum wr wb Praise to Alloh SWT the Almighty God who has given His bless to the authors for nishing the English Module en tled EBTA English Basic Task for Twel h Graders Senior High School This module aims to guide teachers in carrying out the lessons in the classroom The materials and learning was arranged with the purpose providing simple and easy materials for English lesson for twel h graders The module contains of material of English such as brainstorming grammar focus genre text and exercises There are 9 chapters providing in this book for English Language and Literature The materials are developed with the principle of four language skills listening speaking reading and wri ng Besides the book is completed with the exercise both group work and individual exercises so it can encourage the students more ac ve and condent Related with the comple on of the wri ng of this module we would like to say thank you all of my par es who support during the dra ing process The authors would like to thank and award to our principle father mother husband sisters brother and beloved friends who pa ently encouraging step by step in wri ng the module The authors realizes that this book s ll has shortcoming The authors expect an input from various stakeholders especially teachers and students using these module for improvement of this module The authors hope this book provide benets to learning English for the students Hopefully this book can help the readers generally to expand their knowledge about English material Wassalamualaikum wr wb Magelang February 2021 The Authors Page iiiENGLISH BASIC TASK EBTA For Senior High School PREFACE Assalamualaikum wr wb Praise to Alloh SWT the Almighty God who has given His bless to the authors for nishing the English Module en tled EBTA English Basic Task for Twel h Graders Senior High School This module aims to guide teachers ...in carrying out the lessons in the classroom The materials and learning was arranged with the purpose providing simple and easy materials for English lesson for twel h graders The module contains of material of English such as brainstorming grammar focus genre text and exercises There are 9 chapters providing in this book for English Language and Literature The materials are developed with the principle of four language skills listening speaking reading and wri ng Besides the book is completed with the exercise both group work and individual exercises so it can encourage the students more ac ve and condent Related with the comple on of the wri ng of this module we would like to say thank you all of my par es who support during the dra ing process The authors would like to thank and award to our principle father mother husband sisters brother and beloved friends who pa ently encouraging step by step in wri ng the module The authors realizes that this book s ll has shortcoming The authors expect an input from various stakeholders especially teachers and students using these module for improvement of this module The authors hope this book provide benets to learning English for the students Hopefully this book can help the readers generally to expand their knowledge about English material Wassalamualaikum wr wb Magelang February 2021 The Authors Page iii