Educational Profession

Educational Profession

Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra

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Deskripsi Buku

This book explores various areas of educational profession from theory to practice In the educational field the concepts of Profession and Professionalism are fundamental to ensuring expertise and ethical standards particularly significant in the context of Indonesian education which navigates both challenges and opportunities Teachers play critical roles adhering to a rigorous Teachers Ethic Code that stresses integrity and fairness promoting inclusive educational environments Effective teacher management includes recruitment training and performance assessments while a new approach to teacher categorization acknowledges varied roles and specializations Despite advancements issues like resource constraints and the need for adaptive pedagogies remain Addressing these involves enhancing teacher competencies through strong institutional support systems that focus on educators welfare and ongoing professional development underscoring the profound vocation of educators to inspire and empower future generations through the transformative potential of education This book explores various areas of educational profession from theory to practice In the educational field the concepts of Profession and Professionalism are fundamental to ensuring expertise and ethical standards particularly significant in the context of Indonesian education which navigates both challenges and opportunities Teachers play critical roles adhering to a ...


MLA Style
Mantra, Ida Bagus Nyoman. Educational Profession. Sumedang: CV Megapress Nusantara, 2024. Online.
Chicago Style
Mantra, Ida Bagus Nyoman. Educational Profession. Sumedang: CV Megapress Nusantara, 2024.
Turabian Style
Mantra, Ida Bagus Nyoman. Educational Profession. Sumedang: CV Megapress Nusantara, 2024.
APA Style
Mantra, Ida Bagus Nyoman. (2024). Educational Profession. Sumedang: CV Megapress Nusantara.
Harvard Style
Mantra, Ida Bagus Nyoman, 2024, Educational Profession, CV Megapress Nusantara, Sumedang.
IEEE Style
Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra. Educational Profession. Sumedang: CV Megapress Nusantara, 2024.

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