Educating Exceptional Children

Educating Exceptional Children

Samuel Kirk; James Gallagher; Mary Ruth Coleman

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Deskripsi Buku

Authored by luminaries in the special education field EDUCATING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN introduces readers to each of the thirteen disability categories and discusses the needs of children who are gifted and talented The fourteenth edition continues to focus on the strengths of previous editions while also providing new material about such important hot topics as genetics neurology inclusion assistive technology and information processing The book provides key research based teaching methods and strategies for children with various exceptionalities and also offers analysis of ecological factors that influence the exceptional child in and out of the classroom This edition also features a new chapter on children with ADD ADHD new diagnosis information from the DSM 5 coverage of CEC and Common Core State Standards the most current teaching techniques for each category and current coverage of the Response to Intervention Model Authored by luminaries in the special education field EDUCATING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN introduces readers to each of the thirteen disability categories and discusses the needs of children who are gifted and talented The fourteenth edition continues to focus on the strengths of previous editions while also providing new material about such important ...


MLA Style
Kirk/Gallagher/Coleman. Educating Exceptional Children. : Cengage, 2015. Online.
Chicago Style
Kirk/Gallagher/Coleman. Educating Exceptional Children. : Cengage, 2015.
Turabian Style
Kirk/Gallagher/Coleman. Educating Exceptional Children. : Cengage, 2015.
APA Style
Kirk/Gallagher/Coleman. (2015). Educating Exceptional Children. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Kirk/Gallagher/Coleman, 2015, Educating Exceptional Children, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Kirk/Gallagher/Coleman. Educating Exceptional Children. : Cengage, 2015.

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