Clinical Rotations

Clinical Rotations


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Deskripsi Buku

This highly practical guide to modern health care professions includes everything you need to complement classroom learning with real world experience Encompassing the entire health care system this trusted resource includes dedicated chapters on more than 20 clinical rotations In addition to guidance on assisting and observing health care professionals across a wide variety of specialties and settings the text includes tools and forms to help you plan document and assess your clinical experiences Thoroughly updated to reflect today s dynamic health care industry CLINICAL ROTATIONS Second Edition includes new content and photos in every chapter online resources and electronic forms and additional learning tools to help you transition from classroom study to career success This highly practical guide to modern health care professions includes everything you need to complement classroom learning with real world experience Encompassing the entire health care system this trusted resource includes dedicated chapters on more than 20 clinical rotations In addition to guidance on assisting and observing health care professionals across ...


MLA Style
Thomson/Trocquet. Clinical Rotations. : Cengage, 2014. Online.
Chicago Style
Thomson/Trocquet. Clinical Rotations. : Cengage, 2014.
Turabian Style
Thomson/Trocquet. Clinical Rotations. : Cengage, 2014.
APA Style
Thomson/Trocquet. (2014). Clinical Rotations. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Thomson/Trocquet, 2014, Clinical Rotations, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Thomson/Trocquet. Clinical Rotations. : Cengage, 2014.

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