Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology

Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology

Gary Ferraro

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Practical and insightful CLASSIC READINGS IN CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY is a concise inexpensive and accessible reader that presents core historical and contemporary works that have been instrumental in shaping anthropological thought and research over the past decades Carefully edited by author Dr Gary Ferraro the text includes classic readings from the disciplines of cultural anthropology and linguistics Selected from scholarly works on the basis of their enduring themes and contributions to the discipline these eminently relevant selections enable you to further explore anthropological perspectives on such key topics as culture language and communication ecology and economics marriage and family gender politics and social control supernatural beliefs and issues of culture change By providing this wide array of classic reading on foundational topics this book delivers an excellent introduction to the field of cultural anthropology and the contributions it makes to understanding the world around us Practical and insightful CLASSIC READINGS IN CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY is a concise inexpensive and accessible reader that presents core historical and contemporary works that have been instrumental in shaping anthropological thought and research over the past decades Carefully edited by author Dr Gary Ferraro the text includes classic readings from the disciplines ...


MLA Style
Ferraro. Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology. : Cengage, 2016. Online.
Chicago Style
Ferraro. Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology. : Cengage, 2016.
Turabian Style
Ferraro. Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology. : Cengage, 2016.
APA Style
Ferraro. (2016). Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Ferraro, 2016, Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Ferraro. Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology. : Cengage, 2016.

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