The best selling CHILD FAMILY SCHOOL COMMUNITY SOCIALIZATION AND SUPPORT now in its Tenth Edition offers an excellent introduction to socialization that is grounded in a powerful conceptual framework Urie Bronfenbrenner s Bioecological Model of Human Development Examining how the school family and community influence children s socialization this text addresses complex issues in a clear comprehensive fashion An enjoyable read it s packed with meaningful timely examples and effective study tools that ensure you gain a solid understanding of chapter concepts A sensitive presentation of diversity issues includes matters related to culture ethnicity gender sexual orientation socioeconomic status and special needs Updated throughout this edition features a strong emphasis on NAEYC and NASW standards as well as a new neuroscience feature called Brain Briefs The best selling CHILD FAMILY SCHOOL COMMUNITY SOCIALIZATION AND SUPPORT now in its Tenth Edition offers an excellent introduction to socialization that is grounded in a powerful conceptual framework Urie Bronfenbrenner s Bioecological Model of Human Development Examining how the school family and community influence children s socialization this text addresses ...complex issues in a clear comprehensive fashion An enjoyable read it s packed with meaningful timely examples and effective study tools that ensure you gain a solid understanding of chapter concepts A sensitive presentation of diversity issues includes matters related to culture ethnicity gender sexual orientation socioeconomic status and special needs Updated throughout this edition features a strong emphasis on NAEYC and NASW standards as well as a new neuroscience feature called Brain Briefs