Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business

Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business

John D. Ashcroft; Katherine M. Ashcroft; Martha A. Patterson

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Deskripsi Buku

LAW FOR BUSINESS 19E from Cengage Advantage Books provides a practical approach to law that emphasizes the current relevant topics you need to succeed in business today Compelling cases throughout this edition highlight recent business challenges such as trademark infringement capacity to contract agency and employment at will In addition timely coverage of business ethics and the law provides new insights into recent corporate scandals and indictments Popular legal authors Ashcroft Ashcroft and Patterson combine short chapters and a full color design with real world examples and applications They integrate helpful Learning Objectives and optional online tools such as the MindTap learning system complete with legal videos to make business law approachable engaging and applicable for your future success LAW FOR BUSINESS 19E from Cengage Advantage Books provides a practical approach to law that emphasizes the current relevant topics you need to succeed in business today Compelling cases throughout this edition highlight recent business challenges such as trademark infringement capacity to contract agency and employment at will In addition timely ...


MLA Style
Ashcroft/Ashcroft/Patterson. Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business. : Cengage, 2017. Online.
Chicago Style
Ashcroft/Ashcroft/Patterson. Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business. : Cengage, 2017.
Turabian Style
Ashcroft/Ashcroft/Patterson. Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business. : Cengage, 2017.
APA Style
Ashcroft/Ashcroft/Patterson. (2017). Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Ashcroft/Ashcroft/Patterson, 2017, Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Ashcroft/Ashcroft/Patterson. Cengage Advantage Books: Law for Business. : Cengage, 2017.

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