CONTENTS xxi Determine Your Main Points 284 Organize Your Main Points Strategically 286 Use Subpoints to Support Your Main Points 287 CHAPT E R 1 1 Major Goals for Presentations 258 Know the Types of Professional Presentations 260 Speeches to Inform 260 Speeches to Persuade 260 Speeches to Introduce 260 Group Presentations 261 PEOPLE FIRST PEOPLE FIRST 263 TECH TIP Choose an Appropriate Topic Some Transitions Preview and Internally Summarize 294 Some Transitions Are Signposts 295 Some Transitions Are Nonverbal 295 THE COMPETENT COMMUNICATOR 267 Identify Topics That Are Right for the Occasion 267 268 Analyze Your Audience 268 Age 270 Sex and Sexual Orientation 270 Culture 270 Economic Status 271 FOCUS ON ETHICS 292 294 Using Transitions Effectively 294 264 Brainstorm to Identify Potential Topics 264 Identify Topics That Are Right for You 266 Identify Topics That Are Right for Your Audience 266 TECH TIP 271 272 Finding Support for Your Presentation Goals Physical and Mental Capabilities 272 Political Orientation 272 Identify Places Where You Need Research Support Determine the Type of Support You Require 303 Evaluate Supporting Material 304 Purpose 273 Size 273 Available Time 273 Distractions 274 Prior Knowledge of Your Topic 274 THE COMPETENT COMMUNICATOR Know Where to Find Information Chapter Wrap Up 274 A Look Back 275 Key Terms 275 Chapter Review Questions 275 Skill Building Exercises 276 Endnotes 277 CAREER TIP 307 309 Periodicals and Nonprint Materials 309 Databases 310 Personal Observations 310 Surveys 311 Mastering Presentation Aids CHAPT E R 1 2 278 Articulate Your Purpose and Thesis 280 280 311 Presentation Aids Can Enhance Your Speech 312 Low Tech Presentation Aids 312 TECH TIP 314 Multimedia Presentation Aids 314 Choosing and Using Presentation Aids 316 Using Supporting Material Ethically 318 282 Draft a Thesis Statement FOCUS ON ETHICS 306 Websites 307 Books 308 Planning and Crafting Presentations 282 Cause No Harm 318 Dont Commit Intellectual Theft 318 283 Organize the Body of Your Speech 300 Understand Where and Why You Need Support 302 Consider the Speaking Context 273 Draft a Purpose Statement 296 Chapter Wrap Up 297 A Look Back 297 Key Terms 297 Chapter Review Questions 298 Skill Building Exercises 298 Endnotes 299 C H APT ER 13 THE COMPETENT COMMUNICATOR CAREER TIP 289 Craft a Memorable Introduction 289 Create an Effective Conclusion 291 Special Occasion Speeches 263 CAREER TIP Creating a Compelling Introduction and Conclusion 284 FOCUS ON ETHICS 319 302CONTENTS xxi Determine Your Main Points 284 Organize Your Main Points Strategically 286 Use Subpoints to Support Your Main Points 287 CHAPT E R 1 1 Major Goals for Presentations 258 Know the Types of Professional Presentations 260 Speeches to Inform 260 Speeches to Persuade 260 Speeches to Introduce 260 Group ...Presentations 261 PEOPLE FIRST PEOPLE FIRST 263 TECH TIP Choose an Appropriate Topic Some Transitions Preview and Internally Summarize 294 Some Transitions Are Signposts 295 Some Transitions Are Nonverbal 295 THE COMPETENT COMMUNICATOR 267 Identify Topics That Are Right for the Occasion 267 268 Analyze Your Audience 268 Age 270 Sex and Sexual Orientation 270 Culture 270 Economic Status 271 FOCUS ON ETHICS 292 294 Using Transitions Effectively 294 264 Brainstorm to Identify Potential Topics 264 Identify Topics That Are Right for You 266 Identify Topics That Are Right for Your Audience 266 TECH TIP 271 272 Finding Support for Your Presentation Goals Physical and Mental Capabilities 272 Political Orientation 272 Identify Places Where You Need Research Support Determine the Type of Support You Require 303 Evaluate Supporting Material 304 Purpose 273 Size 273 Available Time 273 Distractions 274 Prior Knowledge of Your Topic 274 THE COMPETENT COMMUNICATOR Know Where to Find Information Chapter Wrap Up 274 A Look Back 275 Key Terms 275 Chapter Review Questions 275 Skill Building Exercises 276 Endnotes 277 CAREER TIP 307 309 Periodicals and Nonprint Materials 309 Databases 310 Personal Observations 310 Surveys 311 Mastering Presentation Aids CHAPT E R 1 2 278 Articulate Your Purpose and Thesis 280 280 311 Presentation Aids Can Enhance Your Speech 312 Low Tech Presentation Aids 312 TECH TIP 314 Multimedia Presentation Aids 314 Choosing and Using Presentation Aids 316 Using Supporting Material Ethically 318 282 Draft a Thesis Statement FOCUS ON ETHICS 306 Websites 307 Books 308 Planning and Crafting Presentations 282 Cause No Harm 318 Dont Commit Intellectual Theft 318 283 Organize the Body of Your Speech 300 Understand Where and Why You Need Support 302 Consider the Speaking Context 273 Draft a Purpose Statement 296 Chapter Wrap Up 297 A Look Back 297 Key Terms 297 Chapter Review Questions 298 Skill Building Exercises 298 Endnotes 299 C H APT ER 13 THE COMPETENT COMMUNICATOR CAREER TIP 289 Craft a Memorable Introduction 289 Create an Effective Conclusion 291 Special Occasion Speeches 263 CAREER TIP Creating a Compelling Introduction and Conclusion 284 FOCUS ON ETHICS 319 302