This guidebook for British Parliamentary Debate A Practical Guide has been deliberately created to cater to various readers within the debate community Its content is intended for novice debaters debate coaches adjudicators educators and academic institutions debate enthusiasts and public speakers debate organisations and clubs and policy makers and thought leaders This guidebook for British Parliamentary Debate A Practical Guide has been deliberately created to cater to various readers within the debate community Its content is intended for novice debaters debate coaches adjudicators educators and academic institutions debate enthusiasts and public speakers debate organisations and clubs and policy makers and thought leaders ...
MLA Style
Harmia, Citra Dewi, dkk. BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE: A Practical Guide. Malang: Literasi Nusantara Abadi, 2023. Online.
Chicago Style
Harmia, Citra Dewi, dkk. BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE: A Practical Guide. Malang: Literasi Nusantara Abadi, 2023.
Turabian Style
Harmia, Citra Dewi, dkk. BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE: A Practical Guide. Malang: Literasi Nusantara Abadi, 2023.
APA Style
Harmia, Citra Dewi, dkk. (2023). BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE: A Practical Guide. Malang: Literasi Nusantara Abadi.
Harvard Style
Harmia, Citra Dewi, dkk, 2023, BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE: A Practical Guide, Literasi Nusantara Abadi, Malang.
IEEE Style
Citra Dewi Harmia, dkk. BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE: A Practical Guide. Malang: Literasi Nusantara Abadi, 2023.