Best Mates Forever: The Story about a Friendship

Best Mates Forever: The Story about a Friendship

Dimas Pettigrew

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Deskripsi Buku

When two best mates finally come together they never come together alone The story is about a friendship between two males Indonesian literature student David is an aspiring novelist who enjoys writing English On the other hand Sukabumi based English literature student Dean is an easygoing boy who dreams to be a diplomat They finally meet during the first meeting of English Speaking Union and coincidentally they attend the same Indonesian language class they quickly become best mates David is from the suburban overprotective devout Muslim family while Dean is from small village in Sukabumi When two best mates finally come together they never come together alone The story is about a friendship between two males Indonesian literature student David is an aspiring novelist who enjoys writing English On the other hand Sukabumi based English literature student Dean is an easygoing boy who dreams to be ...


MLA Style
Pettigrew, Dimas. Best Mates Forever: The Story about a Friendship. Bandung: Bitread Digital Publishing, 2017. Online.
Chicago Style
Pettigrew, Dimas. Best Mates Forever: The Story about a Friendship. Bandung: Bitread Digital Publishing, 2017.
Turabian Style
Pettigrew, Dimas, Best Mates Forever: The Story about a Friendship. Bandung: Bitread Digital Publishing, 2017.
APA Style
Pettigrew, Dimas. (2017). Best Mates Forever: The Story about a Friendship. Bandung: Bitread Digital Publishing.
Harvard Style
Pettigrew, Dimas, 2017, Best Mates Forever: The Story about a Friendship, Bitread Digital Publishing, Bandung.
IEEE Style
Dimas Pettigrew, Best Mates Forever: The Story about a Friendship. Bandung: Bitread Digital Publishing, 2017.

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