Basics Of Engineering Economy 3E

Basics Of Engineering Economy 3E

Leland Blank; Anthony Tarquin

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Preface Digital materials include a variety of products available to registered adopters algorithmic problems for use in class homework and in examination of learning the online solutions manual image library of all figures and spreadsheets and PPT lecture slides Other materials are added to the website from time to time that enhance the teaching and learning environment Checking the website occasionally to view and use these supports materials is encouraged ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank the following individuals who completed the review used in the development of this edition Cameron MacKenzie Iowa State University Peter Ouchida Sacramento State University Michael Readey University of Colorado Peter Sandborn University of Maryland Steve Slice University of South Carolina Marylee Southard University of Kansas Many individuals have helped us develop the contents of our texts and website throughout our 45 years of authoring engineering economy learning materials For this edition we offer special thanks to the following Mr Jack Beltran for his continuing excellent work in checking and correcting the solutions to our examples and problems He has provided reliable and dedicated service for many of our publications Dr Marylee Southard for the thorough and inclusive contribution of her spreadsheet based after tax analysis included in Chapter 13 This comprehensive example and the associated problems offer the student a complete understanding of how a realistic fixed estimate real world analysis can be performed Lee Blank and Tony Tarquin xviiPreface Digital materials include a variety of products available to registered adopters algorithmic problems for use in class homework and in examination of learning the online solutions manual image library of all figures and spreadsheets and PPT lecture slides Other materials are added to the website from time to time that ...


MLA Style
Blank, Leland dan Anthony Tarquin. Basics Of Engineering Economy 3E. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021. Online.
Chicago Style
Blank, Leland dan Anthony Tarquin. Basics Of Engineering Economy 3E. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.
Turabian Style
Blank, Leland dan Anthony Tarquin. Basics Of Engineering Economy 3E. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.
APA Style
Blank, Leland dan Anthony Tarquin. (2021). Basics Of Engineering Economy 3E. London: McGraw-Hill Education.
Harvard Style
Blank, Leland dan Anthony Tarquin, 2021, Basics Of Engineering Economy 3E, McGraw-Hill Education, London.
IEEE Style
Leland Blank dan Anthony Tarquin. Basics Of Engineering Economy 3E. London: McGraw-Hill Education, 2021.

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